Losing a few pounds is not an easy feat and is even more difficult for someone who just had a baby. Looking at pictures of celebrity moms who got back to fitness after having a baby does nothing more than make us jealous. For some of us, images of shapely celebrity moms make us feel like we never want to look in the mirror again. Don’t get discouraged just yet. In this post, we tell you everything you need to know about getting back your fit body after pregnancy.

Get Up And Move

One thing that every fitness expert will tell you is that moving as much as possible is crucial to any fitness regime. Most women’s bodies aren’t ready for serious cardio workouts during the first two months after a pregnancy, especially if one had a Cesarian section. And even when ready, many moms feel pressured to spend time with their toddlers and don’t have room for getting on the treadmill.

The good news is that even as a new mom, there are ways to get your cardio workout without compromising your time with the baby. If you love taking walks or running, you can always invest in a baby jogging stroller. This is specially designed for active parents and some high-end ones work on smooth pavements as well as rough terrain. If you love hiking, a good backpack baby carrier will prove a good investment.

Watch What You Eat

Diet is probably the most important part of a fitness program. Many moms, during pregnancy, tend to throw caution out the window and indulge their cravings impulsively. This is part of the reason they gain so much weight during the pregnancy. You need to say no to foods with calories like chips and soda. Rather than fad diets that eliminate food groups, consider filling your diet with different nutrients containing plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean protein and whole grains. Don’t forget to include low-fat dairy products as well.

It is not healthy to diet after a pregnancy and it’s important that you prioritize your health by eating balanced meals every day. Rather than 2-3 meals a day, consider small and frequent meals throughout the day. This helps maintain steady sugar levels while preventing overeating.

Get Enough Rest

Being a mom who has to take care of newborn and working to restore fitness to your body can prove exhausting. It will be easy to undo the results of your hard work if you don’t get enough rest. This is particularly true because a messed up sleeping schedule can mess up the metabolism, making it even more difficult for you to lose the pregnancy weight. Sleeping has been shown to have an effect on losing weight since it doesn’t compel one to binge on unhealthy foods for energy. Ensure that you get at least six hours of sleep and if that’s not possible, you can always take a nap when your baby does during the day. The last thing you need is a long-term sleep deficit to screw up your progress.


There is usually an immediate weight loss of 11-13 pounds during childbirth. Afterwards, breastfeeding is the one thing that will help you reduce weight naturally is breastfeeding. This can help you cut up to 800 calories a day. It’s also important to note that when you stop breastfeeding, your calorie needs will plummet. You also get to weight train in the process, considering you have to hold the baby when breastfeeding.

Strength Training

There is nothing wrong with hitting the weights every once in a while. In any case, it will be good for your fitness program. It will go a long way towards boosting your metabolism. Consider starting small with dumbbells at home to build some strength. After a while, you can get a gym membership or start working with a professional trainer who can guide you. Incorporating your baby into the workout routine is also a good idea. Small things doing lunges behind the stroller as you walk as well as lying on your back and holding the baby above the chest as you lift him gently towards the ceiling will help the course.


Getting back to your pre-pregnancy fit body is not an easy task. However, it is not that difficult either if you know what to do. Hiring a personal trainer who specializes in prenatal and postnatal fitness is always a good idea if you aren’t sure about what to do.